Monday, 15 October 2012

How to Polish Hardwood Floors

I will share some tips today that will explain how you can take care of your hardwood floor and its polish. Regular polishing of hardwood floor makes it look new and fresh. Some important tips and steps are mentioned below:

·         For proper polishing of your floor, you must have open and wide space. Take out all the furniture, rugs and other furniture items before polishing.

·         Vacuum all dust and waste material from floor.

·         Clean the floor and remove all stains. Use kitchen cleaning equipment and a mop to clean the floor.

·         Use good quality floor polish that is specified for hardwood floor.

·         Apply floor wax on the floor. Apply it in patches throughout the room.

·         Leave it for some time to dry.

·         Shift back the furniture once the hardwood floor dries.

If you follow these steps for polishing hardwood floors, they will give a sleek and shiny look. 


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